
Pursuing Lasting Progress in Emerging Markets®

Fund Distributions

On ex-date December 12, 2024, the year-end distributions per share were:

Seafarer Overseas Growth and Income Fund: $0.19543 for SIGIX, $0.18777 for SFGIX, and $0.19202 for SFGRX.
Seafarer Overseas Value Fund: $0.54797 for SIVLX, $0.53884 for SFVLX, and $0.53774 for SFVRX.

For further information, see the Historical Distributions section below.

2025 Distribution Dates

Please note: future dates are subject to change.

Record Date
Ex, Pay and
Reinvest Date
Seafarer Overseas
Growth and Income Fund
(Frequency: Semi-annual)
Seafarer Overseas
Value Fund
(Frequency: Annual)
Mid-year Distribution 6/25/25 6/26/25 X
Year-end Distribution 12/10/25 12/11/25 X X

To be notified of distribution estimates, sign up for Seafarer email updates.

Historical Distributions

Seafarer Overseas Growth and Income Fund

Ex, Pay and
Reinvest Date
Short Term
Capital Gains
Long Term
Capital Gains
Total Distrib.
Per Share
Cumulative Distrib.
Per Share Since Inception
SIGIX (Institutional Class)
SFGIX (Investor Class)
SFGRX (Retail Class)

Seafarer Overseas Value Fund

Ex, Pay and
Reinvest Date
Short Term
Capital Gains
Long Term
Capital Gains
Total Distrib.
Per Share
Cumulative Distrib.
Per Share Since Inception
SIVLX (Institutional Class)
SFVLX (Investor Class)
SFVRX (Retail Class)

For more information on the Funds’ distribution policies, please see the “Dividends and Distributions” section of the Prospectus.

Foreign Source Income

The Seafarer Funds have elected to pass through to shareholders the foreign taxes paid on income earned from foreign investments. These foreign taxes are reported in Box 7 of Form 1099-DIV. As a shareholder in one of the Funds, you may be able to claim a tax credit or an itemized deduction on your federal tax return for the amount of taxes paid to foreign countries. Please consult your tax adviser.

Seafarer Overseas Growth and Income Fund

Year Foreign Source Income*

Seafarer Overseas Value Fund

Year Foreign Source Income*
*as a % of Box 1a on Form 1099-DIV
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. There is no guarantee that the Funds will pay or continue to pay distributions.